Trndmarker, future needs matter

- Hortense Koster -

At Trndmarker, I work with a global team of experts, alternatively known as early adopters, thought purveyors, or trendsetters to create tailormade reports, workshops and presentations. Together we understand why customers’ needs are changing- and how companies can keep up.

User Insights

Reaching out to the right people in the right wat

#Heineken: Using a mixture of design-research tools and ethnographic approaches to extract latent and explicit customers’ needs and behaviours to apply in insights reports and inspirational presentations


Design Thinking:

Co-creating ideas and concepts that respond to human needs and market demands

#Nike Football: Management of digital community and consumer insights research with semi-pro football players 17-21 yrs. old on THE SQUAD digital platform. Created strategic input and gathered consumer insights to better understand the usage, aspirations, and attitudes on sportswear- both on and off the field.

Innovation and UX strategy:

Developing (agile) strategies for brands and businesses to improve the customer experience

#Skoda: Building a strong brand rationale and narrative with stakeholders to fit the needs of the Italian customers and serve as a basis for new agile sales and retail concepts.


Expert Network:

Organizing collaborations and inspirational events​ Recruiting respondents and experts for tailor-made engagements and events.


For full portfolio

Contact info

Hortense Koster
Rokin 102, 1022 KZ Amsterdam